Central Library of Geography and Environmental Protection


General rules

1. The IGiPZ PAN Central Library of Geography and Environment Protection, henceforth called the Library, is a scientific library.

2. The Library makes its collection available: on the spot in a reading room, to all the interested public, and through borrowing the library materials outside against Reader’s card (after completing the authorised Library registration procedure).

3. A Reader is required to use computer interactive terminals available in the Library exclusively with the aim of searching for authorised Internet resources.

4. A Reader/User shall bear full material liability for all the library materials borrowed and used. In the case of loss or damage to Library stock, a Reader/User will be required to make good the loss or damage. Other ways of fulfilling Reader’s/User’s obligations to the Library will be considered by its head upon a consultation with the Library Commission.

5. Each User who leaves or stops working for the IGiPZ PAN must get a document attesting that all Library items on loan have been returned.

6. Infringement of the Library regulations can be followed by a loss of the right to access the Library resources, in more drastic cases – the claims will be settled through national laws and the courts.

Access to Library resources on the site

7. All the Users of the Library’s reading room are required:

  • to leave overcoats or outer garment, briefcases, bags, etc. either in free lockers for personal items available outside the Library’s Reading Room or in the cloakroom;
  • sign in his/her presence in the Visitor’s book (register book);
  • to present to the librarian on duty his/her ID card or other ID documents – it does not concern the IGiPZ PAN staff;
  • to report to the librarian on duty all his/her personal publications brought to the reading room.

8. A User has a free access to the material and items found on the shelves in the reading room. The items selected from the shelves – after use – must be returned to their appropriate places.

9. Users are not permitted to take the library materials outside the Library’s reading room without consent of the librarian on duty.

10. Library materials are brought to the reading room only upon filling in an order slip. The materials must be taken by a Reader who ordered them within 7 days since submission of order slip, otherwise these items are sent back to the Library’s storehouse and the order slip is cancelled.

11. The materials and items brought to the reading room can be used for a period of two weeks. If there is a necessity to use the Library materials, ordered by a Reader, for a period longer than two weeks, please, mark this appropriately on the order slip - this should prevent sending the library materials back to the storehouse.

12. A Reader/User when finishing his/her visit in the reading room must return the Library materials, brought from the storehouse through previous submission of order slip, to the librarian on duty – only then a Reader/User will receive an appropriate part of order slip as a proof of return.

13. Access to old prints and items that was included into the National Library Resources is possible only in compliance with certain preventive rules.

14. Smoking, food consumption and use of mobile phones is not permitted in any part of the Library. Readers are obliged to maintain silence and order, as well as to comply with the instructions or admonitions of the Library staff.

Rules concerning borrowing the Library items

15. The right to obtain Reader’s card and to borrow the Library items is open to the IGiPZ PAN staff, the IGiPZ PAN Scientific Council members, long-term contributors and collaborators, retired workers, as well as other users within the framework of inter-library loan activities or by leaving a security deposit with the Library. The amount of security deposit is decided by the Library Commission.

16. In order to register with the Library one must either be on the current IGiPZ PAN staff list or a long-term contributor or, in case of other individuals, only after presenting his/her valid ID card or passport to a librarian on duty.

17. The Library materials can be ordered either in a traditional way, or via the online catalogue, or via e-mail.

18. Following materials and items cannot be taken outside the Library:

  • materials included into the National Library Resources, i.e. antique books or atlases published before 1900, old maps of Polish lands published before 1918, items coming from a selection of printed materials that belonged formerly to Prof. Staszewski collection;
  • materials published before 1948;
  • manuscripts, typescripts of master and doctoral dissertations;
  • materials from the Scientific Archive;
  • journals;
  • encyclopedic and reference publications;
  • the latest foreign publications;
  • tourist guidebooks published after 1990;
  • publications from the series “educational paths”;
  • materials which owing to their publication form, condition or uniqueness cannot be used outside the IGiPZ PAN Library compounds.

Only in exceptional cases, the head of the Library may decide whether the above-mentioned materials are for loan.

19. In order to borrow the Library items and materials, a Reader must submit a traditional order slips or the ones printed via the Library system. On returning the Library items, a Reader should be given an appropriate part of order slip.

20. The Readers that hold the Library cards exercise the right to borrow up to:

  • in case of the IGiPZ PAN staff - 10 items for a period of 3 months;
  • in case of long-term contributors and collaborators - 4 items for a period of 1 month;
  • others - 2 items for a period of 2 weeks.

In exceptional cases, the head of the Library may decide whether more items can be borrowed.

21. When necessary, a Reader can apply (also via telephone) for an extension of a deadline for book return, unless the Library item has been ordered by other Readers.

22. In justified cases, the Library reserves the right to demand return of the borrowed items before the deadline has passed.

23. If it turns out that a Library item, ordered by a Reader, is on loan at the moment, it can be reserved for the nearest possible future.

24. Readers/Users who go abroad for a period longer than 1 month should return all the Library materials on loan.

25. Following classes of the Library collection are not permitted to be Xeroxed:

  • the materials included into the National Library Resources;
  • the manuscripts, typescripts of master and doctoral dissertations;
  • materials from the Scientific Archive;
  • materials which owing to their publication form or fragile condition are not fit to be copied.

In exceptional cases, the head of the Library may give a consent to copying of the above-mentioned materials.

26. If the Library items, taken on loan after leaving a security deposit, are overdue, as a consequence, a fee will be envisaged for each day of delay after the date of book return. The actual amount of fee is fixed upon every year by the Library Commission. The fees do not apply to the IGiPZ PAN staff.

Inter-library loans

27. The IGiPZ PAN staff has the right to take the books on loan via the Library from other library institutions on the basis of inter-library loans rules: materials taken on loan by the Library are made available to Readers in the reading room, but in justified cases, these materials can be lent to Readers to be read at homes.

28. The inter-library loans fall within the compass and responsibility of the head of the Library or the person authorized by the head of the Library.

29. Institutions can get a Library card based on the official letter on the part of the head of a given institution or the head of the institution’s library, on the stipulation that the letter should mention the person authorized to signing the inter-library order slips, and thereby also bearing responsibility for the materials taken on loan.

30. Each form of inter-library loan order should include: bibliographic description of a given item and a date, as well as full address of a library and data concerning the authorized person.

31. Borrowing the materials from abroad falls wholly within the competence of the National Library.


In force - since 15th February 2012.